A Tale of Three Stooges

April 11, 2018 Josh Skinner 0

Provincial elections are coming up this summer, with three heavyweights in the game of politics. Kathleen Wynne and her Liberals are looking to go for a comically sad two decades

When “White Supremacists” Cry

April 10, 2018 Zoe Easton 0

Recently, ultra-conservative, ex-Rebel Media reporter, Faith Goldy came to Trent University to attend the TCSA’s controversial talk, “It’s Okay to Be (Against) White(ness)”. The event has gained national media attention

Cultural Studies Day A Success

April 8, 2018 Natasha Hildebrand 0

As fourth-year student and Cultural Studies major Morgan Williams put it, “Trent is very conscious about the sciences.” Known for its Forensic Science program, fostering a competitive Nursing program while

A Year in the TCSA

April 6, 2018 Peter Stuart 0

Another academic year is over, and time to reflect on how the TCSA has been able to better serve the students here at Trent. So I contacted Brandon Remmelgas, the