Arthur Newspaper

Anti-Poverty Activism: Thinking, working, living with poverty

The Anti-Poverty Activism group has had a productive and exciting first year. Last semester’s panel, “Why Poverty Matters,” was a success and it inspired the group to challenge themselves with further action to help others.

Anti-Poverty Activism also held an exciting and successful bake sale last month, and raised just over $200! The proceeds are being donated to the YWCA Crossroads Shelter in Peterborough who provide emergency services for women and their children struggling with abuse. Many thanks are due to all of the generous and enthusiastic Trent student and faculty donors.

Getting Involved

This March, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) hosted a workshop to  bring awareness to structural oppression in society and to understand the privileges many of us take for granted. Anti-oppression workshops like this one develop skills to be aware of injustice and speak out. Keep an eye out for a possible follow up workshop in September.

Another event that is coming up soon is The Ontario Common Front Anti-Poverty Assembly hosted by The Ontario Common Front, and the Ontario Federation of Labour. The assembly is happening at U of T in Toronto from April 17-18, and will focus on “developing an action plan to challenge inequality and end poverty.” More details and free registration are available on the We Are Ontario website.

Tips and Tricks to Shop and Cook

Poverty can exist on any level, and in any demographic. A side project of APA has been to brainstorm a list of Tips and Tricks to bring awareness to the way we shop and cook. The original plan was to target students at Trent U through posters and conversation, but it seems fitting to share these ideas with readers of the Arthur as well.
Soup is delicious, easy to make, versatile, economical, and it freezes well. Here are some tips on how to change your thinking about cooking with soup in mind:

• Legumes/pulses (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) are inexpensive, super healthy, and can create wonderfully thick and hearty soup.
• Do you have leftover potatoes, water from boiled vegetables, or bones from a holiday meal? Those can all go in soup!
• If you or someone you know do have bones, they can be simmered for a few hours to make stock and then frozen with a label.
• Large portions of soup and stock can be frozen for a rainy day. The freezer is your friend!
• Practicing with spices is a great way to keep cooking exciting and to learn about cuisine from other countries.
• Finally, the more soup you create, the more confident you will become.

Experimenting with new methods of cooking and preparation can save time and money, and is a great way to stay healthy and happy.

Keep an eye out for more Tips and Tricks next year and challenge yourself this summer to make your own!

Many thanks again to everyone involved in organizing and contributing to a meaningful year of anti-poverty activism.