New Bike Share Program: No Bike? No Problem!

May 28, 2013 Zara Syed 0

The Peterborough Community Cycling Hub is an incorporated not-for-profit, member-based organization that promotes biking accessibility and education. The do-it-yourself approach to biking is promoted by those that run it, and

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Trent Playing Fair: Going Fair Trade

March 26, 2013 Zara Syed 0

A successful gathering of food venders took place recently to celebrate Trent University in becoming a leader in sustainability and ethical purchasing through its commitment to Fair Trade certified products

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A Less Idle Education

March 13, 2013 Zara Syed 0

By Zara Syed and Jasmine Cabanaw Idle No More, a movement sparked by social media and which originally took the news by storm, was one that united grassroots voices and