In the mid 19th century, the Common Carp Cynprinus Carpio was introduced into North America by European colonists.
Originally intended to be a food source for the growing populations of North America, the Common Carp slowly became undesirable as a food source, as the bodies of water that it inhabited were greatly polluted, and in consequence of their eating habits, they themselves took on a particularly bad flavour. In result of this lack of consumption, the Common Carp spread quickly through the many tributaries and rivers that span North America, and became what many might call an invasive species.
Moving into the early and mid 20th century, efforts were being made to exterminate the Common Carp from the waters of North America. In some places extreme measures were being taken, including poisoning an entire body of water with a chemical known as Rotenone, killing all life for many years, then simply restocking it with “desirable” species of plant and fish.
Open season was placed on Common Carp and it could be fished through any means: by bow, by spear, by net, and such; any means necessary to cull the numbers. All the while however, the Common Carp was becoming an exulted species in Europe. Commercial Lakes were being set up with breeding programs designed specifically to grow large coarse fish (Carp, Catfish, etc.) for European anglers. It didn’t take long before this view of the Common Carp began to find its way overseas and into North America.
Today, although still a controversial and often despised species, the common carp is the fastest growing sport fish in the world. They are often overlooked as a sport fish, and as a result when one does find its way on to an unsuspecting angler’s line, it gives them quite a shock. Common carp put up an incredibly entertaining fight, and are a great deal of fun to catch. With the right tackle, rod, and bait it is not unheard of to land a forty-plus-pounder right here in Ontario!
So allow me to introduce myself, my name is William Muschett, and I am a fish-a-holic. Since I was able to walk and carry a fishing rod in my hand I have been fishing. After nearly 20 years of fishing I finally found my favourite species, the Common Carp, and this discovery was made right here in Peterborough! I quickly learned the methods, landed many fish and was invited to join a Pro-Staff team.
With this I decided to take my love for fishing and combine it with my love for teaching, and thus last year Peterborough Carping Guides was born, and this year I intend to keep it going. I will teach you everything I know, and I promise results! I believe strongly in catch and release and believe in ethical fishing intending the safety of the fish from hook up, to landing, to release to ensure the best survival rates possible. (I land these fish on a padded surface and handle them in the safest way possible, and so far my catch and release rates are 100%).
I run my guide service in Little Lake, and the Otonabee River, and I have even landed 20+ lb fish right here at Trent University! (See picture above). Come on out this spring, summer, or fall and land one of the biggest fish Ontario has to offer.
For more information and photos, check out my Facebook Page:
Normal Rates
*All inclusive*
For Trent and Fleming Students