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Transgender and Gender variant panel

October 7, 2015 D 0

On September 18th, the organizers from Hollaback! and Courage Peterborough, along with the Peterborough Aids Resource Network (PARN) hosted the Transgender Day of Resilience as an extension of Peterborough’s annual

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Echo chamber

October 7, 2015 James Kerr 0

In an echo chamber you yell and only hear your own voice bouncing back, much like the Internet. And when you see the outside world, you stand in wonder and

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Climate Change Action in Peterborough

September 30, 2015 Alan Slavin 0

In 2009, 114 countries including Canada signed the Copenhagen Accord, agreeing “to stabilize greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the

Peterborough Fashion Week

September 26, 2015 Ugyen Wangmo 0

You don’t have to travel aboard for a Fashion Week, because Peterborough Fashion Week (PTBO FW) returns again for its second season in November 2015, at a convenient time to