Discover Yourself At Trent

Dear First-Year Student,

Congratulations on accepting your offer to attend Trent University, and please also accept my warmest welcome! You don’t know me, but I can guarantee that the next few years will be some of the most unforgettable of your life.

You have chosen to come to a great place for learning, both in the academic realm and as you begin to discover more about yourself. Trent will foster your development as you wade in the waters of self-discovery, explore new ways of thinking about the world, and engage in studying subject matter that truly matters to you.

The journey will be full of incredible moments and lots of challenging little bumps along the way. There will be times of success and failure, accompanied by feelings of pride and frustration. You will meet inspiring professors who dare you to push just a little bit harder, reach even farther. There will be long, sleepless nights spent typing away at a computer and mornings when you wake up feeling like the king of the world. The most amazing part is that through it all, there will be endless opportunities for you to grow.

It is important to remember that we are all walking very different paths. For some, the road is straight and the destination clear. For others, the ultimate purpose of the journey remains hazy and the road often feels long. We must realize early on that the definition of success, and the many ways to achieve it, is an experience unique to each individual. No one – parents, family, past teachers, friends, or that nagging, doubtful voice inside of your head–has the power to sway your feet from the direction they choose to go. You have worked hard to get to this point, and it is essential that you have an enjoyable university experience.

My best advice is this: pursue your interests, attend your classes, eat well, make new friends, study hard, get involved in at least one club or group, and whatever you do, don’t be too hard on yourself.

Life flies by quickly, and these next few years are meant to shape the foundations in your quest for higher knowledge. If I have learned anything during my time at Trent, it is that happiness and success come to those who decide in advance that they are going to be happy and successful people.

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming school year.

About Jennifer Boon 36 Articles
Jen is a third year Indigenous Studies and English undergrad, and has been writing for Arthur since 2012. She has written dramatic pieces performed in Nozem theatre for Anishinaabe Maanjiidwin, been published in small alternative magazines, and is currently developing a book of self-positivity poetry in partnership with local Peterborough youth. In addition to spending her time writing essays, short stories, and articles, Jen can also be found devouring sushi at local restaurants downtown or sipping one too many cups of coffee by the river.