My vision for volume 50 of Arthur is straightforward, “Create a responsible bridge to connect, and bring the community together,” while staying true to the identity and tradition that is Trent.
The simplicity of the vision nevertheless holds a greater duty to focus on three integral aspects of the paper–Diverse and Inclusive Content, Support for the Team, and Connect with the Audience–by taking greater responsibility.
My first goal is to continue to serve the campus and Peterborough community by delivering content which is relevant and inclusive in diversity of news, gender diversity of sourcing on stories, and ethnic diversity of photographs.
While still upholding the current staffing model of bureau system which proved to be effective for the organization and wider content coverage, I would also like to make explicit under the ‘News’ bureau a reporter dedicated to local news. The community reporter will attend the city council meeting which happens on Monday of each week, as well as any other scheduled meetings. It is an essential responsibility towards building and fostering a more informed and active community.
For maximum campus coverage Arthur shall be present for, and involved with, every event within its capacity. In addition, I will make it a priority that a continual discourse is maintained with the administrations, various departments, student leaders, student clubs and groups, campus security, and sports representative, to name but just a few. Arthur will plan its stories for the week by reaching out to them on the first day of every week, and whenever is necessary.
For diversity in voices and content, Arthur will encourage contributions from members of various clubs and groups, while still continuing with themed issues. Another change I would like to make includes assigning a reporter dedicated exclusively to them to ensure that diversity and inclusiveness is maintained for every publication.
Staff and volunteers, who are an essential element for the success of the paper will now see greater learning experience and support to equip them with skills advantageous for the mainstream market. It is common knowledge that the campus newspaper is a training ground for future journalists and writers, so it is only fair that Arthur offer them the platform for building skills.
To that end, I will collaborate with professors and conduct frequent workshops, discuss options for extensive subjects with professionals and staff members themselves. In addition, I will also incorporate diversity training by requesting that professors from related departments, and student groups on campus, train staff members on cultural competency to address uncomfortable challenges while covering a diverse community.
It is also very crucial to cultivate an open line of communication with and amongst the staff themselves for maximum teamwork. Not to mention the responsibility to ensure that they develop healthy, ethical, and professional habits.
Readers are fundamental to the existence of the paper, so a monthly survey will be conducted about what they want and need to get out of Arthur. I will connect with audience by making Arthur more present and active on the web, by extension, to offer more than just news, but services and resources for readers. I will ensure that readers are engaged through social media by enabling tools and resources to comment and build resourceful dialogue. It is necessary for earning trust with the audience, the ultimate towards making or breaking the job of a journalist.
This goal calls for a new position of “Web Administrator” who will be dedicated to oversee all aspects of web and social media.
Additionally, Arthur’s weekly show on Trent Radio will be continued, another necessary outlet to connect Arthur with its audience. By valuing our audience, Arthur will improve and conform to their requirements on a continual basis.
There is only so much I can write about what I would do if elected, for Arthur has the potential to be, and as a matter of fact has already become an important forum to display all dimensions of the campus and to reflect its nature. And that my fellow students is what you can expect from me: “an unbiased common ground where students, faculty, administrators, and staffs can communicate on issues of common concern.”
Above all, if I take greater responsibility to respect and serve the audience, the rest will follow!
Ugyen Wangmo has about six years of extensive experience in journalism–from mainstream media both print, and radio journalism. She built her career in media through a variety of roles, as Reporter, Editor, Stringer, and Freelance writer, for various National Media publications as well as magazines.
Writing for varying media houses set in diverse ethnic backgrounds has allowed her to experience news reporting through a range of cultural settings and cover diverse community.
After coming back to Trent and getting involved with Arthur, it made her realize the passion in her to contribute to help Arthur attain its full potential, and make it a reliable bridge to bring everyone together. She currently is a weekly news reporter, and has also served as a director on Arthur’s board.
Ugyen is a Trent Alumni who has graduated with a degree in Chemistry and Biology, and holds a quixotic dream to be a part of for all times to come.