Arthur Newspaper

Extended hours at Bata Library

Photo by Pat Reddick

Where will you be in three weeks, at 12:30 in the morning? Sound asleep and dreaming of Spring, or burning the midnight oil? Some of you at least will be in the Bata Library, on the principle that cramming will squeeze out a few more marks. And good luck to you.

As has been the practice over the last few years, the Library will again be providing extended hours during the Spring examination period, beginning April 6 and running through to April 24. Bata will be open at 8:00 am and will close at 1:00 am, seven days per week. Normally, the Library is open until midnight, weekends excepted.

For these extended hours, library users have access to the Trent computer network and study space, including group study rooms. Research assistance and Circulation/Reserves service are unavailable during extended study hours, though books can be signed out with the self-checkout machine at the main door. Questions can be forwarded by email to, and a librarian will respond during regular library hours.

All library users must show a valid TrentU Card in order to gain entry and remain in the library after the regular closing time. Two uniformed security personnel will be present to ensure all library users feel safe and to provide assistance in the event of a medical or personal safety emergency.

Library users are expected to comply with posted Library policies regarding appropriate use of the Library and to extend courtesy to other users.

A quick survey of extended hours at other Canadian universities indicates that Trent is doing well by comparison. Lakehead, for example, stays open until midnight during exams, but not on weekends. Brock closes at 2:00 am, but opens later on Saturdays and Sundays. Western is open twenty-four hours a day, but do you really want to be studying at 4:30 in the morning? Nipissing closes at 10:30 pm during exams. Guelph is open 8:00 to 2:00 am.

Last Fall library staff kept a close eye on usage during the extended-hours period. We found that after 1:00 am the number of people in the Library dropped off sharply.

Consequently we have decided to close at 1:00 am in April, but also to increase the extended hours period from two weeks to three weeks. Because the program is costly in terms of additional staff time, we’ll continue to monitor it carefully.

With support and funding from the Trent Central Students Association (TCSA), late night buses will be operating at Bata Library during the exam period.

The extended hours program goes ahead thanks to the combined efforts of Trent Provost Gary Boire, Associate Vice President Students Nona Robinson, Trent Security, OPSEU, Trent Central Students Association (TCSA), and Bata Library Client Support staff.

Good luck, and may your memory serve you well.