Arthur Newspaper

Green your campus!

There are many excellent courses at Trent which allow students to engage in course themes and topics through applied projects which address specific real problems.

This is excellent at reifying theory to create an understanding of praxis, however, in many cases (there are exceptions, e.g. TCRC or honours thesis courses), there is not the funds or institutional support to implement many of these excellent ideas.

This is why the Green Team, a working group of Sustainable Trent, is organizing a competition to solicit your ideas for projects which can make the Trent campus more sustainable.

This competition, titled the “Trent Green Your Campus Competition”, offers implementation funds to at least one idea and the creator(s) of the idea are under no obligation after the presentation of their idea to implement it.

There are no restrictions on who can enter, all that is required to register is a brief email with your name(s), the title of your project and a brief description, sent to by February 29th, 2016.

The group or individual entering must then create a poster (size) detailing the specifics of the project idea they are proposing (e.g. what is your idea, how much would it cost, how would you measure the success of your project, how would it augment campus sustainability, etc…).

This poster will then be presented to a panel of judges at the on-campus sustainability conference which shall take place on March the 12th in Gzowksi College.  For more information you can check out the “Trent Green Your Campus Competition” Facebook page.