Holi: the festival of colours

Release the rainbow of rangoli this spring as the sunshine beams downward.

Celebrated widely, especially in South Asia, Holi is a celebration of happiness and renewal. In many ways we reveal our true colours as human being as we dance around in the multi-shaded mist.

At times people mask their emotion through identity, concealing the heart behind the face. Holi is an opportunity to conjoin the two. In case you are unfamiliar with Holi, the following are a few tips for the upcoming spring festival.

Holi is happiness: smiles fade in and out amidst a barrage of laughter and delight. Flash a couple dance moves this year as bunny-rabbiting your way up and down can be repetitive.

Get creative, get edgy. Take a chance on the odd Bollywood move; it may just catch someone’s eye.

Which leads us to…

Holi is love: there is something about this colossal colouration, which seems to outshine the ordinary red, white and pink of Valentine’s Day.

Besides, if you’re not feeling all too lovey-dovey bouncing along to Bollywood, simply embrace the company of your peers and partners.

Eh! It just may be a start to a great new chapter in life. Which brings us to our last point…

Holi is cleansing: grab a hand; grab a heart; grab a water gun.

Times are messy, here’s your shot to wash away the old and refresh for the new. Take the lead; you’re never short of targets. Stock up on ammunition this Holi because as the party turns H-O-T, we need some of that H2O.

Life moves in cycles, just be sure you’re not on the wrong end of the cylinder.

This year, build up an arsenal of joyfulness and delve into the world anew alongside other Holi-gans. You can bet your bottom dollar we’re going full mental this time around as Holi comes to campus.

That’s right, leading the upcoming exam season the Trent International Student Association, alongside all regional groups, will host a Holi event.

This will be a de-stressor prior to the final splash of books, breaks and, of course, good-byes. Don’t wait until summer to soak in the sunshine.

Stay tuned for further details and come celebrate the festival of colours with us. It’s raining rangoli this spring lads and lassies, never before have April showers looked so beautiful!