Arthur Newspaper

Inspiring campuses free of sexual violence and harassment

The Take Back The Night movement was founded in Philadelphia in 1975 in
response to the murder of microbiologist Susan Alexander Speeth. Over the past 40 years this movement has grown globally, empowering women and survivors of sexual violence in their right to a life free of sexual harassment and violence.

In the streets and on campus, survivors, women and their allies gather together to rally for safety, sing and chant for change, and walk together in candlelit solidarity to end sexual harassment and violence.

As a centre offering education, support and counselling for survivors,
Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre’s mandate for Take Back the Night encompasses the
prevention of sexual and gender-based violence where we live, work, learn and play.

We will be hosting Take Back the Night with our partners simultaneously in
Peterborough, Cobourg, Haliburton and Lindsay on Thursday, September 22 as part of the Peterborough Pride Week events.

We invite Trent University and the greater Peterborough community to join us for Take Back the Night Peterborough at Fleming College, Residence Circle of Sutherland Campus, 599 Brealey Drive. There will be a bus picking up community members at Bata Library stairs at 6:00 pm and at Seeds of Change at George Street United Church at 6:15 pm.

Our partnership with Trent University and Fleming College students and staff is vital to addressing sexual violence on and off campus. We work together on policy, prevention and response.

To support this work, we will be launching a Weekend Webchat starting September 9 to support survivors in accessing services and asking questions. We will also be present at campus orientations and events during the first few weeks of classes.

Most campus sexual assaults will occur by a casual acquaintance or dating partner in the first eight weeks of classes. Together with our partner campuses and student
associations, we work to address the myths of sexual violence and harassment,
identify the risks of people causing harm, and build safer and more inclusive spaces for support.

Please join us as a survivor or as a supporter and ally in ending sexual and gender-based violence.

To learn more visit, like us on Facebook and Instagram, and follow us on Twitter @ksacstaff
#endsexualviolence #TBTN2016 #TrentTalksConsent #FlemingTalksConsent #First8Weeks.