Join the Canadian Federation of University Women

Logo for the Canadian Federation of University Women.

The Canadian Federation of University Women is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 100 Clubs, located in every province across Canada. As a national organization, it informs the Government of Canada about its policies on education, the status of women and girls, human rights, peace, justice and environmental issues. The organization also acts provincially and internationally.

The local Peterborough Club was established in 1937 and has promoted education for women since that time. There are currently two bursaries for Trent students and one for a single parent at Fleming. Advocacy includes participation in the December 6 Gathering for the end of violence against women, and hosting speakers on issues of concern. There is also fun with interest groups, speakers and celebrations at our monthly meeting.

For new members who join in this new year, there is a discount. For students, dues are half price all year.

Check us out. The local website is, and the national site is

Ruth Schumaker is the Advocacy Chair for the Canadian Federation of University Women, Peterborough Club.