Arthur Newspaper

Join the Geeks on Air Feb 11!

Do you like things? I mean do you really like things? Maybe your spinning wheel, large concrete structures, Star Trek, board games or Japanese domestic market vehicles? Cornish rexes?

Whatever your passion may be, Trent Radio is offering you the opportunity to take your interest, channel it into a radio show and share it with the world over 92.7 FM.

Every once and a while we have an ‘event day’ at Trent Radio where regular programming is summarily tossed out the window and instead we programme to theme, and this time the theme is: Geek.

“Geek Day” is Thursday, Feb. 11. All day long, a celebration of all things geeky, esoteric, strange and obsessive: “An Adventure 92.7 Megahertz in the Making”.

If talking on the air about whatever gets you geeking out sounds appealing to you, write your name on the sign-up sheet that is now posted in the hallway of Trent Radio, 715 George St. N., on the corners of Parkhilll and George streets.

Don’t be afraid if it’s your first time on the air, we can help with that. (What, you’re worried about being sweaty and nervous and awkward and not speaking well when you’re talking about your rock Tumblr, postage stamps, or Lord of the Rings?) Jump right into your obsession and broadcast it through us!

Also, that night at 9p.m., we’re hosting a Geek Day Pub night at Sadleir House, 751 George St. Everyone is invited. Bring your geeky stuff to share with others and chat away the night.

Excelsior, my fellow Trent University students, excelsior!