Arthur Newspaper

Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre

The Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre is a community-based charitable non-profit organization that provides counselling, workshops and groups, crisis support, accompaniment, and public education for survivors of recent and historical sexual violence.

We are a positive space providing support to survivors in the City and County of Peterborough, Haliburton, Northumberland and City of Kawartha Lakes for 37 years.

Located in downtown Peterborough, survivors can access our services by calling our crisis line at 705-741-0260 or 1-866-298-7778, our office line at 705-748-5901 to book an intake appointment, or through Trent University’s counselling services.

Did you know:

>  Females ages 15-24 are at highest risk of sexual violence?
>  The highest rate of on-campus sexual violence occurs in the first 8 weeks of classes?
>  4 of 5 female undergraduates have been victims of violence in a romantic relationship?
>  50% of sexual assaults occur on dates?
>  Only 6 of 100 sexual assaults are reported to police?

Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre works in partnership with social service organizations, educational institutions, and volunteers to provide public education presentations and events to engage our community in initiatives to end sexual violence and rape culture in our community.

Are you interested in becoming a peer support volunteer or coordinating an advocacy event? Contact Lindsay at or visit our website for more information.

This school year, help us lower the statistics on sexual violence in our community. Join us for Take Back The Night – Light Your Way Walk on Thursday, September 18. A bus will be picking up participants at the Trent University campus and in downtown Peterborough to rally at Fleming College’s Sutherland Campus.