Letter to the Editors, Volume 54 Issue 2: City of Peterborough Draft Official Plan

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash.

I’m writing this to inspire people to comment on Peterborough’s Draft Official Plan which is a document that shapes planning decisions in Peterborough required by the province. This plan has not been updated in over 30 years.

Many topics in Nogojiwanong/Peterborough’s Draft Official Plan are topics that students care about such as Natural Heritage features, wetlands, housing, access to food, energy conservation, transportation, Indigenous rights. Over the last year I met high school students protesting climate inaction and community organizers who are active in addressing housing inequality. I know that some of these organizers are current and former Trent students this year. Historically climate change was a concern when students created a divestment campaign for the Trent University Board of Governors. In addition to this, there is grocery assistance available for students in need. Currently wetland protection and a historic lack of consultations is a concern for students at Trent.

If you feel inspired by these topics and others in the Official Plan, I encourage students to let Peterborough know their opinions on these topics, to include our generation’s voice in future planning decisions. The deadline to comment on the Draft plan is September 20. However, there are additional opportunities to provide input on the plan.

– Robert Gibson

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