I am a fourth year History major, with a minor in Gender and Women’s Studies.
Within the Trent Fashion Show, I handle the beauty department. This entails planning hair and makeup layouts, collecting and contacting hair stylists and makeup artists to volunteer for photo shoots and runways, and helping to keep Director Reba Harrison calm during the shows. I am also Reba’s coffee bitch and I love it. This will be my third and final year working with the fashion show as I will be graduating this spring.
My favorite part of the Trent Fashion Show is when we have finished our final show in the spring. It’s nice to be able to look back and see all the hard work and dedication that everyone involved has put in throughout the year. I have been lucky enough to meet a lot of amazing people through the fashion show, and it’s nice to look at what we have all accomplished together.
After graduating Trent University, I am hoping to continue my educate by going to college for Museum Studies and eventually working in a museum. From there the goal is to travel and work in museums around the world, learning and seeing as much as I can of the lands that make up our global society.