Operation Catnip! Helping feral and abandoned cats

operation catnip

What is the difference between a feral and an abandoned cat? The volunteers with Operation Catnip! Trap/Neuter/Return of Feral & Abandoned Cats hear this question often.

They can tell you that an abandoned cat is one who has lived with people and has been displaced from their home.

All too often people abandon their cat when they are unable or unwilling to continue caring for them. When these cats are intact (they are able to reproduce), they can produce as many as four litters of two to six kittens each year.

Kittens born of abandoned cats who live outdoors and have little or no human contact are referred to as feral. Feral and abandoned cats struggle to survive outdoors. Experts estimate that between 50-75% of feral kittens die before reaching adulthood. Typically, an abandoned cat is especially vulnerable as they are not prepared to fend for themselves.

That’s where Operation Catnip comes in! They are a small group of volunteers who work with people who care for feral and abandoned cats (referred to as Colony Caregivers) to reduce suffering and the population of these cats through TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return). Cats are spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies, provided deflea/deworm medication, and returned to live outdoors with their caregiver.  They are kept indoors (in a trap) pre- and post-operation to reduce risk of medical complications.

Operation Catnip was founded in February 2012. Since they started trapping in April 2013, they have worked with 70 Colony Caregivers to serve a total of 200 cats.

They serve Peterborough and immediate surrounding areas and provide services according to availability of money and volunteers.

Their work can only continue with the generosity of their community to donate money and time.

Volunteers are needed to: provide care for cats pre/post operation, foster friendly cats, trap & transport cats, plan/attend fundraising events, help with administrative tasks. Training is provided.

For more information visit www.operationcatnip.ca or Operation Catnip! Trap/Neuter/Return of Feral & Abandoned Cats on Facebook, call 705-760-9055 or email them at info@operationcatnip.ca.