Arthur Newspaper

Peterborough Comedians Take on Canada!

Comedians from all across Canada have come out from behind their cameras, to get in front of another one! They have taken their troupes and trekked towards towns to televise their talent! CBC television presents, Comedy Coup!

Local writers and comedians Rob Swales, Dan Smith and Luke Foster have a local comedy show titled ‘Ganza. When asked about how and why the team decided on the name ‘Ganza for their show, Smith had this to say: “It’s extravaganza but without the extra because we didn’t have the cash.”

Swales is the writer, the cameraman, the director, the producer. Smith helps with some of the writing and he is also the talent along with Foster.

The three comedians have taken on a challenge. The challenge to prove they are the funniest, the wittiest, and the laughiest bunch of Peterboroughans this country has ever seen. They are competing in the non-competition, CBC’s Comedy Coup!

The Comedy Coup is a program that we are in.  It is an accelerator program that is being run by CBC across the country to get a new comedy show that CBC is going to be running on prime time in the fall next year,” explains Swales.

On Monday October 6 after the first round of cuts, Swales and the ‘Ganza team made the top 110, “they were supposed to do a top 100 but they ended up doing the top 110.  I think it was because they try to put it like you guys gave 110% and so will we,” laughs Swales.

“They say it’s not a competition and yet they keep telling us how our competitors are doing.”

As the ‘non-competition’ progresses each week, Swales and the team have to put together a new video.

They started with a trailer for the application and in the following weeks there will be videos about the team, what differentiates them, and of course what the arch for their season—if they were to win—would be.

“We will script out a show, it won’t be our first show because our stuff is really timely.  But we will write them an episode,” explains Swales.

Between October 23 and 26 voting opens to the public where the competition will be knocked down to the top 55—but remember this is NOT a competition, the votes are only so that they can beat out other teams!

To vote go to  After the top 55, it goes down to the top 15, then 5 and then the winner will receive $500,000 to do their pilot. I reiterate, this is not a competition.

Though Swales, Smith and Foster will be the core of this comedy show, they intend to bring in an ensemble cast and a couple more writers.

Their pitch to CBC is this: “We will do 12 episodes, one in each province or territory. We will have a guest actor from each province who will join the ensemble cast and our fans will have a chance to vote for what indie-band will represent their province or territory,” explains Swales.

Swales is quite involved with local indie music, which he says has always been a part of his work.  Swales has a Youtube channel called Swales Studios where episodes from ‘Ganza are posted. With each episode Swales includes and promotes local musicians and intends to continue to do this across the country.

“What we have done here with ‘Ganza and our web series is highlight Peterborough and the music, and we just basically want to take that national,” explains Swales.

This ‘competition’ goes until December 12 and, though both Smith and Swales are aware of their massive odds, Smith says this: “it was a case of why not.”

And why not?  The Peterborough community oozes with talent and this is an opportunity to showcase Canadians.

Two other Peterborough troupes have made it through the first round; one is called Dead Air and the other Jobless.

In a contest with hundreds of applicants it’s really something to be proud of that not one, not two, but three local comedy teams have made the top 110.

So on October 23-26 why not go to and VOTE!  How amazing it be if all three Peterborough teams made it to the top 5!

It’s been years since CBC looked out and did original comedy programming “with all the layoffs they’ve had now they have all this money freed up to make a show,” says Smith.

“It’s amazing, hopeful and inspiring that CBC is doing this.  This contest is a way for people the take projects off the back burner.”

“Canadians are wicked funny.  Everybody has to go down to New York or L.A to get paid work and it’s all Canadians down there being funny so why not keep them at home,” says Swales. “Why not celebrate them here, why not make this the funniest country in the world?”