Hey Everybody!
My name is Jesse, and I am a liason for Active Minds at Trent (TAM), working as an Outreach Coordinator. I am so excited for this school year, and even more so about the fun we will have throughout. So stay tuned!
Early 2013 is when my involvement with TAM began. I had heard of Active Minds here and there and, as someone who suffered through severe anxiety for most of their life, became very intrigued. Through taking slow steps, a lot of me-time, and pushing past barriers, I was able to connect with TAM. This led me to the Wellness Symposium and later, the ‘Overflow Art Gala,’ which was an incredible night and a catalyst that began the most incredible and fulfilling journey in my life thus far, which seems to continue to get better from here!
The people that I have allowed into my life and the strength and courage I’ve encountered in myself allows me to continuously open and learn more than one could imagine. I have grown through so much of my mental health struggles and I continue to feel better about my life and myself today than I ever thought possible.
The journey has been a long one – still difficult at times – and while my struggle with anxiety and mental health may always be a part of my life, my involvement with TAM has allowed me to push through the darkest parts.
Getting past the ‘mental health’ word and the stigma that surrounds it has made it possible for me to connect to life that surrounds me and allow myself to flow into the world as the person I truly am.
I am forever grateful to TAM and the incredible team. In being infinitely passionate about reaching out to others I hope to share that light that we all need. Remember, nobody does it all on their own!
We have an amazing community here at Trent and Active Minds is one place where only amazing things ever emerge.
There’s so much life out here (when we remember to reach for it)!
Reach out to us anytime, via email: activeminds@trentu.ca or Facebook Group: Trent’s Active Minds, or me personally at jessemclellan@trentu.ca.
Shine on.