Since Trent University doesn’t have an official music program, it’s up to the Trent University Music Society (TUMS) to pick up the slack. As Trent’s student run group for all things music, we do our best to make music as accessible as we can.
We organize two choirs and two bands that practice weekly, in addition to coordinating a number of musical events throughout the year. It’s our mission to support Trent’s thriving musical community. Do you like to sing? Join our concert choir, which practices a diverse range of traditional to contemporary pieces.
Join our madrigal choir, which sings Renaissance style music from a variety of traditions. Madrigal just means a vocal music piece arranged for a number of voices, which is not to be confused with a ‘magical’ choir, which TUMS doesn’t have at the moment,but are working on. Our choirs are open to all singers of all experience levels, with no auditions.
If instrumentals are more your thing, look into joining our concert and jazz bands. Concert band gathers once a week to practice orchestral pieces, while jazz band plays anything jazz related, from swing and funk to Latin and blues.
Join by signing up at our booth on Clubs and Groups Day, or email us at Want to join a TUMS band but don’t have your own instrument? No problem, we can rent you one! See our website for details
TUMS has also been trying to start a jammer’s club for a few years now, with the idea of Trent musicians meeting for weekly, informal jam sessions. We need people to coordinate it this year or it won’t happen. If this is something you’re interested in, get in touch with us! Your duties would include booking a space, emailing the mailing list, and leading the jam sessions each week.
TUMS also organizes musical events throughout the school year, like our weekly open mics at the Trend , which are held Thursdays at 8:00PM, and our annual battle of the bands competition.
Auditions open up in February, so start practicing. We also have two end of semester concerts showcasing what our bands and choirs have been working on. You can also join our executive council. We’ve got some positions open for event coordinators. Event coordinators help plan and organize some of the events that TUMS hosts throughout the year. There is still time to be voted in at our upcoming Fall General Meeting.
Email us, stay updated through our website, follow us on twitter @trentmusic or on facebook. We provide a musical outlet for students who love music.