Students Can Receive Free Energy-Efficient Upgrades


The Ontario Power Authority and Peterborough Distribution Inc. are working together to offer a program called the Home Assistance Program (HAP).

Under the program, students and other people with lower incomes may be eligible to receive energy-efficient upgrades to their residence at no cost.

Examples of upgrades include draft proofing, insulation, energy-efficient lighting, energy-efficient power bars, a programmable thermostat that can be operated by your iPhone, and more.

Electricity rates are expected to increase in the near future, so HAP was established to help those with lower incomes to manage their electricity bills and promote energy conservation. You can register for the program at no cost at all!

GreenUP is an environmentalist group that has a store-front location in downtown Peterborough. GreenUP will give your home or apartment a free energy-efficiency assessment on behalf of Peterborough Distribution.

Based on that assessment, GreenUP will recommend the upgrades your residence is eligible for, such as energy-efficient lighting or draft proofing.

From there, you can decide which energy-efficient upgrades you’d like to have installed, and then GreenUP will have an expert install those upgrades for free.

For more information, and to confirm your eligibility, please visit: