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Trent Film Society presents: Ida

February 23, 2015 Steven Snow 0

Pawel Pawlikowski’s Ida, up for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award, is a rare film that focuses more so on showing than telling (not unlike Bergman films). (Unfortunately this

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Trent Radio likes books, too

January 19, 2015 James Kerr 0

Article follows the poster A nice fellow named Brian interviewed me for the Radio Reads event day coming up, and that article should be somewhere else in this issue. I’m

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Trent Radio: Unused Memories

January 12, 2015 James Kerr 0

As you return to school, Trent Radio returns to the air, with the same regular schedule you started hearing in September. Our broadcast season runs from September to April, then

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Memories of Trent Radio

November 17, 2014 James Kerr 0

Trent Radio means different things to different people. Here are some memories that were shared with us: Caileigh Morrison: In 2010, Radio on the Lawn was being held on Canada