Trent Radio (92.7 CFFF FM)
Letters to the editor: Issue 8
Provost search committee is representative of community Re: “Provost search committee composition questioned (campus, issue 7, October 29) Dear Arthur, I was glad to see you devoting some attention to …
Trent Radio: A demonstration of some possible things
Wherein James Kerr of Trent Radio demonstrates the silliness that could happen on the radio. Some of you may have seen this high-jumping web-head “Spider-man” slinging his goop all over …
The Kawarthas just might be home to Canada’s Smartest Person
Photo by Jenny Fisher Nader Nadernejad, a local programmer at Trent Radio, will be competing for the title of Canada’s smartest person on the CBC’s hit TV game show of …
The Archives at Trent Radio
Our program director James Kerr may have introduced Trent Radio and its wonderful inner workings in the first three or four issues of Arthur this year, but I have more …
Letters to the Editor: Issue 4
Parkway is good for city (re: issues 0 and 2) As an active environmentalist since the first Earth Day 44 years ago, I applaud the activities of Sustainable Trent. However, …
Trent Radio: Listening Power
Quietly reading to yourself is actually a relatively recent practice. Announcing words that you do not choose as though through a magic spell shooting out messages and meanings from your …
Trent Radio: Broadcast Begins
Lo, and feel the shaking of the airwaves. As of Monday September 15, 2014, a brand new season has begun at Trent Radio. If you tune in to 92.7 FM …
Trent Radio: Get involved with your student airwaves
I’m shy. The idea of trying to engage a bunch of strangers in conversation scares the Dickens right out of me – Oliver Twist jumps rudely from my mouth, and …
Trent Radio is for you
I felt like I was too young to go to university. Forget what the calender had to say, the idea of leaving the home I knew to live in a …