We’re Paying for Complacency

December 2, 2013 Dane Shumak 0

Ninety-four to 60 sounds like the score of a mediocre basketball game. It most certainly does not sound like any kind of representative electoral result. But, indeed, this is the

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Trent Film Society Presents: Caché

December 2, 2013 Troy Bordun 0

Our last screening of the year is Michael Haneke’s Caché (2005). This screening follows our successful screening of Haneke’s 2012 Oscar Winner Amour at Market Hall. Caché appears as part

The Price of Beauty

December 2, 2013 Samantha Shaw 0

Co-Written by Holly-Ann Haines, Jessica Haines and Michelle Wynne Cosmetics have had a long history of being seen as an essential element of beauty. Engrained into our minds by the