Trent and York partner up in aging research

July 14, 2015 Ugyen Wangmo 0

The new Trent Centre for Aging and Society is extending its resources to develop new research projects, educational programs, and community engagement through partnership with larger institutions who share the common multidisciplinary, and

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Bring back hello

June 30, 2015 Collin Chepeka 0

I work downtown Peterborough; and I am blessed to do so. George Street is bustling with the traffic of people walking at almost any time of the day with window

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Arthur is hiring for the summer!

June 2, 2015 Yumna Leghari 0

Opportunity Type: Part-Time Opportunity Title: Bi-Weekly Reporter Location: Peterborough Opportunity Description: You will be responsible for contributing to the newspaper every other week. The type of news you will be