10 Reasons to Join Trent Jitsu

September 6, 2018 Trent Jiu Jitsu 0

1. Jiu-jitsu is cool. It’s a martial art consisting of locking, throwing and striking techniques. Among other things, it focuses on yielding, balance and joint manipulation in response to a

How I Became a Beekeeper

September 2, 2018 Emily Sytsma 0

In grade six, our teachers made us take these personality tests that were supposed to determine what our ideal careers would be. The outgoing and persuasive students would receive predicted

New Store: You’re Welcome

August 29, 2018 Nick Taylor 0

Since the advent of adult boutiques, queer people have been bombarded with heteronormative exclusionary practices from the moment they walk through the door. The adult boutique business has heavily focused