TCSA General Meeting: The other five minutes

As may be obvious by now, the Trent Central Student Association’s (TCSA) general meeting was dominated by discussion of the student centre.

But, several by-law amendments were also considered during the roughly 90 minute meeting. It took approximately five of those minutes to pass them.

Most notably, the members of the TCSA voted to reduce the number of mandatory board meetings per term from six to four.

TCSA President Braden Freer’s rationale for the change was that having so many mandatory meetings often created situations where several redundant meetings were taking place, but nothing was able to get done to address the concerns raised within them.

This is especially the case for board members who also sit on other boards, such as college cabinets who would be further swamped with those meetings.

Accordingly, the number of meetings a director must miss in order to be terminated from the board was reduced from three to two.

The members also passed an amendment that will make it possible for directors to proxy their vote.

This amendment was the only one that garnered any real discussion. Members were largely confused as to whether proxies must also be directors.

Freer clarified that the bylaw allows directors to proxy their vote to anyone, including non-directors. Proxies may hold no more than one additional vote.

About Pat Reddick 85 Articles
Pat was co-editor of Volume 49, along with Matt Rappolt. He's primarily interested in arts coverage, often editorializing on arts issues. He graduated from Trent with a Bachelor's degree in English Lit. Pat hosts or co-hosts several programs at Trent Radio, such as Media Are Plural. You can follow him on Twitter, or watch him eat through his kitchen window. In his spare time Pat reads a lot (q.v. English major), plays video games, and writes fiction. He has a blog or something but I couldn't find out too much about that.