Arthur Newspaper

TCSA Spring Election Candidates: Vice President Campaigns and Equity

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by first name. Platforms may have been edited for print purposes. All edits were made for length, not for content.

Asgiga Corriveau

Hello! My name is Asgiga Corriveau. It is my third year at Trent, I am in the Joint Psychology and Sociology Program. I have chosen to run for the Vice President of Campaign and Equity (VPCE), because I believe that I can help in continuing the legacy of those before me and reach out to the masses about student issues and furthermore reach out to students to put forth whatever help I can offer. I believe I have the experience to be able to handle the position due to my prior experience with the Trent Student Central Association (TCSA). For the 2014/2015 academic year, I am serving as one of the Gender Issues Commissioner. With that position, I have sat on two committees: The Co-Curricular Committee and the Standing Committee for Organizational Review and Development. I also sit on the Action Committee on Gender Inclusion. Also while being in this position I have run a campaign for Self- Love Week and an activity for Trans Day of Remembrance. I was also a delegate that went to represent the TCSA at CFS in January 2015. As an Equity Commissioner I have sat on the Board of Directors for the TCSA, and I am aware of the By-Laws and Operation Resolution that the Association governed by. I believe that my experiences from all my work thus far can be transferred and become skills I can utilise in the role of VPCE. Past experiences that would add on to this is that I was a member of Trent University Politics Society as a Deputy Member for Finance. In terms of being able to handle the work load, I believe I can do it; because while being a student and apart of the Association, I was also working at Bata, and was a part of other groups as an active member (such as: Trent Gives and Trent Students for Literacy).

As an Equity Commissioner I have been involved in many of this year’s campaign that was outstandingly done by the current VPCE Boykin Smith. Such as Sentenced to Debt and Cover ME. I am well aware of the current campaigns that the Association is involved in and hope to continue them to help make students experience at Trent a good one. I am interested in having these campaigns reach the students in accessible and well represented manner. Some of my more specific focus would be on Fairness of International Students, Hike Stops Here & Debt Sentence; Africa is not a Country, United for Equity, and Consent is Mandatory. That being said it does not mean I will ignore the other initiatives that the Association represents. Also I believe I can be a good resource and a helpful hand to the Equity Commissioners whom are coming into office. Additional projects that I would like to get involved with are in Mental Health and representation of student voices that may not be represented. I would be open to listen and help whomever I can; I will always be open to suggestions and will help students in finding the answers to their questions.

Betty Wondimu


My name is Betty Wondimu, I am currently in my third year pursuing a joint degree in International Development Studies and Economics and I am running to be your next Vice President of Campaigns and Equity.

During the past three years I have managed to garner a vast amount of experience through my active participation in serving and representing the student body. I have served as a student representative on the Presidential Advisory Council on Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility and have served as the Women’s Commissioner and Ethical Standards Commissioner. I was also a part of the executive group for a regional group named Trent African Caribbean Student Union. If elected I would utilize the skills I have gained from these position to reconnect the TCSA with its member, run campaigns that speak to the student body, push for a more equitable campus, put students’ interests first and advocate for students’ well-being. I have also had the opportunity to attend the Canadian Federation of Students training sessions and general meetings and hope to strengthen student voice through the campaigns, lobbying efforts and several services made available to our membership. I plan on sustaining the three overarching campaigns, expanding and creating new initiatives that will increase the sustainability and relevancy of our student Union. Students face many challenges in the post-secondary education system and it is the responsibility of our student union, TCSA board of directors, colleges, clubs and groups, the administration and the community at large to tackle these issues in unison. I intend on working and collaborating with all the parties mentioned above, as we all have a vested interest in sustaining Trent University; a place I have come to call home! I hope to have gained you vote through the glimpse of the actions I would be taking to address issues faced by students at Trent.

United we are Stronger!

Hilary Stafford

My name is Hilary Stafford; I am a 3rd year French and psychology student who is currently enrolled in the Teachers Education Stream program. I am also a current front desk employee at the TCSA; which is what inspired me to run for the Vice President of Campaigns and Equity position. I want to make a difference for students and allow their voice to be heard.

What can I do for you?
