The Glow by David’s Tea
This tea is advertised as a glow-giving boost for your skin. I haven’t been drinking it long enough to say “I got this gorgeous skin by drinking the glow” in any definitive way, but I do know that it’s so delicious I could glow while drinking it. Flavoured with cinnamon and rosehips, it has a rich taste, in which the cinnamon is most noticeable. The rosehips hold their own though, adding just enough lightness to balance the tea. It’s also great with a squirt of honey. I could be biased on that, though – you may have noticed I put honey in a lot of my teas. It can also be noted that cinnamon is often an ingredient used in home remedies for colds and other sicknesses, so drink it on cold days and reap the multiple benefits!
Honey Bee by David’s Tea
This tea is lighter than The Glow, and, as the name would suggest, magically tastes like honey without it actually being added. It’s a great tea to enjoy on cold days as a preventative of stress and weather colds. I like that, unlike my other two sickness-busting teas (Citrus Lavender by Teavana and Secret Weapon by David’s Tea), it has a fairly singular, uncomplicated flavour. Sometimes in the midst of a busy, complicated day, this simple tea is just the reprieve I need.
Mango Madsness by David’s Tea
This white tea is the island getaway I can afford, as I write this while staring out my window at a rainy day. I remember having it for the first time a few years ago, and being super surprised that mango was “a thing” in teas. Now it’s one of my favourite ingredients! With mango’s best friend, pineapple, also present in this tea, you don’t have to add anything to it. Have it hot or iced as a dessert, and experience the mental getaway tea to beat the winter blues.