The Arthur Spring Elections are happening March 27

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Arthur Spring Elections are coming up! That means that it is time to elect the editor(s) and three Staff Collective Board directors for the upcoming academic year.
For more information about these positions, please consult the Arthur Policies and Procedures at
You can also contact the Arthur board at

Time and Place:

The election will take place Thursday, March 27 at 7 pm in the Lecture Hall of Sadleir House (room 106 – wheelchair accessible). Refreshments will be provided.


1. Editor(s) Remarks
2. Presentations of candidates for editor(s) platforms (10 minute limit per set of candidates)
3. Question Period
4. Election of Editor(s)
5. Election of three Board directors by the Staff Collective
6. Adjournment

Who can vote?

Only those who are on the staff collective at the time of the election can vote.

Who’s on the Staff Collective?

You are considered part of the staff collective if you have contributed to the production of at least 15% of the issues of Arthur released before the election. There will be 24 issues published this term by the day of elections so you must have contributed to at least three.

Proxy Votes:

In accordance with section 6e of the Arthur bylaws, staff collective members may participate in the election through means of proxy vote. They may appoint, in writing, a proxy holder to vote for them in the election. The proxy holder does not need to be a member of the staff collective. Proxies must bring:

– The signature of the Staff Collective member
– The date the proxy is signed
– Who the proxy is giving the voting powers to and from
– Who the Staff Collective member is voting for (or the Staff Collective member can allow the proxy holder to choose who to vote for).

Who can run for editor?

Candidates for the position of editor(s) must be members of the Staff Collective at the time of the election. Two Staff Collective members may choose to run as co-editors. They must have been running together to fill the positions of co-editors together.

Who can run for the board?

Anyone who is a member of the Staff Collective at the time of the election.


The deadline for nominations for editors is Monday, March 17 at noon. All sets of editorial candidates must submit a position platform (800 word limit) and photograph. These will be published in Issue 23 on Monday, March 24. Those wanting to run as Staff Collective directors on the board can be nominated at the Spring Election meeting.


There are a lot of names in this next section. We recommend using Ctrl+F/Command+F.

Staff collective as of Issue 20:

Pat Reddick, Sara Ostrowska, Jen Boon,  Daisy Komujuni, James Kerr, Dane Shumak, Troy Bordun, Andrew Tan, Jesse McRae, Autumn Corvus, Carmen Meyette, Mithra Dubey, Tori Silvera, William Brereton, Zara Syed, Sarah Bencic, Calvin Beauchesne, Renzo Costa, Simon Semchuk, Steven Snow, Brian Lukaszweicz, Andrew Stewart, Keila MacPherson, Gurki Bhullar, Ugyen Wangmo, Katherine Gibb, Matt Rappolt, Shannon Leblanc, Brea Hutchinson, Yumna Leghari, Ben Legere, Quinn M.F., Tracy Elliott, Janet Dada, Robyn Smith, Emma Jane, Callum Haney, James McLelland, Noora Kassab, Matt Douglas

Should you be on this list? Email