Arthur Newspaper

Trent Central Student Association elections are coming up!

Have you considered running for a position on the TCSA Board of Directors? Or maybe you have thought about putting a question forward for referendum.

Now is your chance!

The 2016 Spring General Elections are kicking off with some exciting events and big changes, the biggest of all being a brand new Executive position: Vice President Clubs & External Affairs.

Be sure to keep an eye out on our website, Facebook page and Arthur for full details on all upcoming elections events.

All Executive and Equity Commissioner positions are available and full descriptions of each can be found on our website at

Nominations are open as of Monday, Feb. 22 at 9a.m., so if you’re interested in running for a position, you can pick up your package in the TCSA office or download it from our website    (

Have a referenda question you would like to see on the ballot? Referenda questions can be put forward to determine the stance of the membership on issues of importance, to determine membership in or commitment to pay any corollary fees of other organizations, to overturn decisions of the Board or to enact or amend the by-laws of the corporation.

Referenda instigators can begin collecting signatures for their petition at the start of the nomination period.

All completed referenda petitions and nomination packages are due in the TCSA office by March 4 at 12p.m.

For more information, please visit our website or email Chief Electoral Officer, Stephanie Laing at

It’s your choice, use your voice.