Our last screening of the year is Michael Haneke’s Caché (2005). This screening follows our successful screening of Haneke’s 2012 Oscar Winner Amour at Market Hall. Caché appears as part of an installation currently on exhibit at Artspace, Joshua Schwebel’s [Caché]. Both film and installation develop a theme or problem of the look, a look which comes from somewhere imprecise, or, as Cultural Studies Professor James Penney puts it in his paper on the film, “You never look at me from where I see you.” Following the screening, Penney will discuss this idea of the look and postcolonial guilt; the main narrative theme of Caché.
We hope you can attend the film and discussion on Wednesday, December 4 for the 7pm screening time and 9pm talk at Artspace (378 Aylmer Street). For more information, visit: www.facebook.com/trentfilmsociety; trentfilmsociety@gmail.com.
This has been the most successful TFS semester since I began two years ago. We had more than 425 persons in attendance and over 11 events: one held at Bata Library, seven at Artspace, and three at Market Hall. The latter events have been so great that we are arranging winter semester screenings there as well.
Steven Snow and I have been thinking about some new and exciting films for next semester. A few things running through our heads include Noah Baumbagh’s Frances Ha (2013), Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing (2012), Ulrich Seidl’s Paradise: Love (2012), Steven McQueen’s Shame (2011), Roman Polanski’s Carnage (2011), Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver (1975), David Lynch’s Eraserhead (1977), Luis Buñuel’s The Exterminating Angels (1962), and many more. Our task now is to pare down that list and organize the films in such a way that makes sense and hopefully provides interesting discussions, parallels, and contrasts. We are still open to film and event suggestions!
Big thanks to everyone who came out to a screening, to Fynn and Vincent at Artspace, Market Hall staff and volunteers, Custom Copy, our designer Elisha Rubacha, and last but not least, Sara and Pat at Arthur for putting up with our sometimes long and late articles.
We hope to see you on December 4, and if not, then keep an eye out for our 2014 screenings.