Each academic year, students and faculty at Trent University come together for a one-day event dedicated to showcasing, discussing, and celebrating Trent’s excellence in Northern research.
The purpose of the Colloquium is for students to learn about northern research being conducted by their peers at the university, and to exchange ideas regarding their involvement in and the future of research in the North.
There is a large and growing contingent of young MA, MSc, and PhD researchers studying northern issues at Trent, but we do not often have the opportunity to come together and interact and learn from one another across our disciplinary boundaries. The Colloquium seeks to promote balanced, inclusive, and multi-disciplinary understandings of the complex fabric of issues, ideas, agendas, and concerns that affect the North and that are increasingly woven into our work and imaginations as Canadians today.
This day is about Trent University students presenting their research and ideas, and providing a forum for students from all disciplines to come share and learn from each other.
This year, alongside student presentations, we have the pleasure of hearing talks from the renowned CBC radio host Shelagh Rogers, who is this year’s Jack Matthews Fellow.
The evening event will include the keynote address from staff scientist at Science North in Sudbury, ON, Franco Mariotti, with his talk “Engaging the Arctic”, where he will be presenting his experiences in the Arctic, Arctic issues, and the challenges in communicating these issues to the public, as he helps to develop Science North’s Arctic Voices exhibit.
This is a fantastic opportunity for members of the public to come learn more about Canada’s North and its importance to our country’s environment, culture, and development, as told through multiple lenses, from Rogers who will share stories of her travels, experiences, and journalism in the North, to Mariotti, whose scientific expeditions to the Arctic have gained him a unique perspective on Northern Issues.
The daytime event will take place January 29 from 9am–3:50pm at the Benedict Gathering Space in Gzowski College.
The evening event and keynote address will take place from 7pm–9pm at the Canadian Canoe Museum.
The event is free and open to everyone. Free food and refreshments will be provided.