You: “My classes are winding down, and now I think I might want to get involved with Trent Radio, but I’m scared!”
I say – look to the summer!
When our regular season finishes at the end of April, we then start up an entirely new Summer schedule. This is a great time to get involved, either as a Programmer or as an Operator.
As of April 17, we have no schedule at all. The deadline for programme proposals—the shows that will make up our Summer season—is Sunday, April 13 at noon.
You: “That all sounds quite frightening! I don’t know what any of that means!”
A “Programmer” is someone who has their own show—some little slice of airtime to promote their musical tastes, complain about politics, talk philosophy or be an animal psychic—whatever it is you set out to do. That’s the fun one.
An “Operator” is someone who oversees programming, helps out, and makes sure Trent Radio keeps on running. You make the coffee, answer the phone, and generally just be in charge. (The coffee is especially important.) That’s the responsible one.
A “Programme Proposal” is a form you fill out to apply to be a Programmer. It’s just asking you who you are, what your idea for a show is, and when you think you could do it. You can pick one up at Trent Radio House (715 George St. N.) or online at
You: “I think I might want to be a ‘Programmer’, maybe, but I’m new and I’m scared!”
Well, about two-thirds of our programmers every season are new, so you’re in good company. You should do it!
You don’t know it will be a colossal failure until you try!
Just hand in your filled-out programme proposal at Trent Radio house by Sunday April 13 at noon.
Sunday at noon, my trusty Operators and I will sort out all the programme proposals and make a summer schedule out of them.
You: “Well, I might even want to be an ‘operator’, maybe, I think, but I’m new and I’m scared!”
Not to worry. There is a New Operator’s meeting coming up Thursday March 27 at 3pm at Sadleir House (751 George Street North).
This is also a social event for people who are already Operators, so it’s a good chance to hob-nob with other cool radio folk and learn what it’s all about. Come on out.
You: “That’s not as scary as I thought it was. In fact… it… sounds… amazing!”
If you want to get involved with Trent Radio, we’ll find a way. Look to the summer, I say, look to the summer!
Trent Radio 92.7 FM, CFFF in Peterborough—sounds amazing.