Trent Radio Needs YOU! to be an Operator

By James Kerr and Caileigh Morrison


Trent Radio is recruiting Operators for the Fall 2013 Season, and we think you’d be perfect for it, you handsome devil you (wink, wink….blush….).


What is an Operator, you ask? An Operator has a variety of duties:

1) Monitor the broadcast. This means listening to the radio while you’re in the kitchen to make sure there are no technical problems and programmers aren’t being jerks. THIS IS YOUR MOST IMPORTANT DUTY.

2) Make sure that the building is not burning down. If it is, call the fire department and then John K. Muir. Also, try to get everyone out and stuff. You know, before injury.

3) MAKE THE COFFEE. ALL THE COFFEE. ALL THE TIME. You can also drink it if you’re into that.

4) Answer the phone when it rings and take messages.

5) If your shift happens to occur around 11: 00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., or 6:00 p.m., do Smooth Operator, our local community events show, then you get the privilege – nay, the honour – to community announcements, play sponsorships and cool music, and you may even get to interview a band or another person of interest, like a magician, painter, or mime.

6) Communicate any problems to James Kerr, the Programme Director.

7) Generally be your rad, intelligent, interesting self and make everyone feel welcome.

Sound like something you may be interested in? Come on out to the Operator’s Social to learn more, meet current Operators and put your name on the recruiting list. In September, we’ll give you a call and see what your school / work schedule is like. You can operate any time of the week, but we especially need people for evening (5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. or so) and weekend shifts. Also, if you’re interested in programming, you can time your show to occur during your operating shift and ROCK OUT HARDCORE ALL NIGHT! YEAH YEAH YEAH!


Here are the details about the Operator’s Social:

Where: Hobbs Library, Sadleir House

When: Thursday, March 28, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Snacks: Most definitely

Plus, we’ll continue the fun at the Study Pub Night happening in the Sadleir House Dining Hall that evening at 9:00 p.m. THERE WILL BE BOOZE THERE. YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY COME.


Sign up to be an operator. You know you want to.


About James Kerr 46 Articles
Sometime in the 1980s young James Kerr placed a peanut butter sandwich in his parent's VCR and was transported to a magical world where he was taught by long-dead ghost druids the secrets of community and radio waves. Returning to this world he became an arcade champ, dungeon master, and perhaps most relevantly the Programme Director of Trent Radio 92.7 fm. His parents had to clean the peanut butter out of the VCR.