Arthur Newspaper

Trent Radio: The Long Road to Trout

Pictured is the cover of the Spring 2015 Trout Rodeo.

The Trout Rodeos have officially been distributed downtown and on Symons campus.

For those of you who are unaware, the Trout Rodeo is Trent Radio’s annual Year-in-Review. It is filled with a variety of written and visual content produced by the programmers, operators, and employees of Trent Radio.

Trout Rodeo serves the double-purpose of reminding those who were involved at Trent Radio this past year of all the wonderful things they did here, and of enticing those who have not yet become involved by offering a glimpse into the mad tea party that is Trent Radio.

I did not write an article for the Trout Rodeo. I feel bad about that in one sense, but I’m also reminded of a spiel related to me by James Kerr when he first interviewed me for the job of his assistant. I’ll try to give a brief version of that spiel now…

As you might already know, programmers are the people at Trent Radio who provide us with the amazing content that emanates from Trent Radio, and goes out into the world. Behind these programmers are people who maintain the facilities, allowing these lovely programmers to share their content. Content would be impossible without form, and form would be pointless without content.

There is a symbiotic relationship at play here. James made sure that when I accepted the job as his assistant, I realized I was accepting the position of someone who would help to keep up the form of Trent Radio so that programmers could come in and fill that form with exciting, artistic radio endeavours.

Of course, there is room for creativity and meaningful achievement within the bounds of those responsible for form—it’s just a different kind of creativity and accomplishment.

If you’d like to pick up a copy of the Trout Rodeo, you can get one at Trent Radio House, 715 George Street North, just twenty-six steps south of the Sadleir House bus stop.

So while you, programmers and future programmers, flip through your copy of the Trout Rodeo that you picked up at the Seasoned Spoon, Dreams of Beans, Sam’s Place, Bata Library, Bluestreak Records, or elsewhere around town, while you sit and enjoy the musings of programmers, the poetry of managers, and the doodles of operators, and before you accuse me of hypocrisy for touting the excellency of the Trout Rodeo without having written anything for it, I ask you to consider one thing—who do you think stapled them all?