Arthur Newspaper

Trent Radio: What is upsetting

It is troubling the day you realize you have to pick and choose your passions. If you’re ever going to get anywhere with that book you’ve been trying to write, you’ll need to put down that guitar. Some passions must have priority over others.

Even knowing it could be years before you pick it up again, you have to put the guitar away, and try not to think about all the funky riffs you could have accomplished with your time. Instead, focus on another thing—a thing that may eventually have to be set aside for the higher priorities of life.

It feels like when you’re going through university that you have to put a lot of yourself and your interests aside. It can be difficult to keep up your educational responsibilities alongside your interests, to express yourself as a person in what you feel is important, date, and remember that the human body needs food.

After playing guitar for an hour and arguing vehemently for a capital T truth and then running to class, jotting down a few lines for your book on the bus, then trying to suck in knowledge through your brain like a good education sponge during class, text messaging the person you’re interested in but still not sure about, and then text messaging the person who you are sure about but they’re not sure about you, and wasting more, more, more time through the snow and bus—that dinner still isn’t going to make itself.

Something’s gotta give.

One solution, or half-solution, is to choose complimentary interests. Maybe teach yourself protest songs—or, if this is the boat you are floating, fascist songs.

Maybe sing your homework aloud as a memorization method. I’m sure they’ll love you in the exam rooms.

Or, as is one of my favourites—make dinner and listen to the radio.

It’s as easy as chop, chop, chop, 92.7 C  FFF FM.

Trent Radio – we understand you’re busy.