Arthur Newspaper

UCycle & Share the Road

Designed to increase cycling among post-secondary students in Ontario, UCycle is a new project coordinated by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition.

In its first ever pilot season, UCycle will be active in the Trent & Peterborough communities this fall, promoting safe cycling to destinations on and off campus.

Students should keep an eye out for UCycle’s bicycle friendly business discount providing a range of awesome discounts to students arriving to select local business by bike. Participating businesses include local eateries, cafés and bike shops!

Additionally, watch for our online trip tracking contest running throughout the fall semester for a chance to win awesome bike gear – or a new ride!

UCycle’s partnership with the TCSA’s OnTheMove campaign aims to highlight the many benefits of cycling as active personal transportation, while partnership with B!KE will further connect students with the practical cycling resources they need.

UCycle will also be conducting our first ever student transportation survey which will be one key of building better cycling in the future.

Finally, watch for coverage of all your elected TCSA student leaders as they start their year of right with a cabinet ride up to campus at the beginning of September.

If your bike is not in road worthy shape or just needs some TLC, bring it by our booth at the Central Zone or to B!KE’s Trent Shop.

So whether you’re a seasoned cycle commuter, casual cruiser, racer, downhiller, interested onlooker, or have never ridden before UCycle and our awesome cycle partners hope to help you get tires on the road this fall!