Arthur Newspaper

Vote, or don’t: your guide to either

Elections are in the air and you could not avoid them if you tried. The Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) and Trent University Politics Society (TUPS) have even pushed a Trent Votes campaign that has proven itself successful thus far!


If you are one of the students who understands the importance of voting, then get out there and do your research! Do not simply read the party platforms. Look at the history and potential outcomes of particular platform measures. The Trent Votes team held a “Meet Your Party” event on October 8 and is holding a Candidate Debate at the Athletic Center gymnasium on Wednesday, October 14 at 7PM.

To vote, bring your ID with you on October 19 to Bishop Doyle Hall at 317 Hunter Street West between 9:30AM and 9:30PM. A short walk from the terminal, this site caters to accessibility needs and can provide language assistance if contacted at least four days before voting.

Then, head to the Ceilie for the Trent Votes post-election party 5PM-10PM and celebrate with crossed fingers.

Or Don’t

There is no doubt that getting students, and young adults in general, to vote in elections has made a difference. Today’s students grew up into a lower rate economy with access to global news and information, so it is no wonder that we have a thirst for change and repair. But growing up in this world has shown young adults the flip side reality of our system: voting can only create small change.

#ThreePartiesOnePlatform is a hashtag that has risen to popularity in the past season and expresses the concern that by voting, people restrict themselves to the options provided by the powerful governmental parties and enforce citizens to believe that they live in a transparent democracy. The argument of these non-voters is that the act of voting distracts citizens from fighting against the government for justice and provides a false sense of effort and change.

If you plan to deny your vote, do not toss your voice away but instead, make it heard. The Revolutionary Student Movement (RSM) of Trent University and Peterborough has officially decided to support the Boycott the Election campaign of Canada, whose slogan is “No matter who wins, the working class loses.”

This active boycott encourages non-voters to organize together and decide their action plan to make critical change in our federal system since they do not believe voting will work. The RSM invites all interested students and community members to join its workshop discussion on Sunday, October 18 at 2pm in Sadleir House’s lecture hall.

From campus, just take the Trent West Bank bus to the stop labelled “George St @ Sadleir House”. Attendees are reminded that this will be a safe space and no harassment will be tolerated.

So, either vote or don’t. But regardless, make your voice heard as a citizen within Canada and remember that once a (new) party has the power, continue to critique that power.