Arthur Newspaper

What’s Cooking with SAFSS

Co-written by Dani Richardson.

The Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) program was started in 2011, featuring both arts and science streams.

This program provides tools to effect change, and challenges students to create food systems that are equitable, ecologically sensitive, and productive.

The SAFS Society aims to increase student engagement while fostering a community of students interested in deepening their understanding of sustainable food systems.

We hope to partner with a variety of stakeholders on campus, and invite all students (regardless of program) to join us as members or volunteers.

Things you can expect from us this semester:

Meet and Greet — Sunday January 25
Join us from 5:45-8pm at The Only after the ReFrame showing of “Fed Up” (4pm, for 92 mins at Showplace). Discuss the film with other foodies, socialize, and enjoy a favorite local venue! All ages welcome!

Local Food Days  — Mark Wednesday February 4, and Wednesday March 18 on your calendars!
Visit all of the Symons campus food service providers for free samples of local product based dishes from 11am-1pm. Vote for your favorite dish to determine the winner of The Golden Beet award, and for a chance to win one of our great prizes courtesy of Dan LeDandan Foods, The Main Ingredient, Two Dishes Cookshop, Chartwells, and more local organizations and establishments! Thank you to our partners at Gzowski College, Meal Exchange, and the ERS department.

TEDxManhattan Screening – “Changing the Way We Eat.” Saturday March 7 (location and more details TBA)

Pollinators and Soil event — End of March (location and more details TBA)
Interested in celebrating the UN designated “Year of Soils”? Want to learn more about pollinators, and share that info with the larger student body population? Get involved in the planning of this exciting event!

Other projects that SAFSS are partnering with include the Trent Experimental Farm and Chartwells Key Focus Initiative Gardens.

If you are interested in joining us at our meetings, or learning more about our Society please email or visit